Luke 11:5-13
"And Lead Us Not Into Temptation"
Luke 11:4c
"Forgive Us Our Sins"
Luke 11:4a
"Daily Bread"
Luke 11:3
"Your Kingdom Come"
Luke 11:2b
"Hallowed Be Your Name"
Luke 11:1-2
"One Thing Is Necessary"
Luke 10:38-42
"Love Is A Revolution"
Luke 10:25-37
"The Situation Room"
Luke 10:21-24
"Satan's Fall"
Luke 10:17-20
Luke 10:13-16
"The King Is Coming"
Luke 10:1-12
"Count The Cost"
Luke 9:57-62
"No Room In That Inn Either"
Luke 9:51-56
"The Small World Of Guarding Turf"
Luke 9:49-50
"What Are You Fighting About?"
Luke 9:46-50
"Is He Worth It?
Luke 9:28-32
"The Call To Being A Christian"
Luke 9:23-27
"Who Do You Say That I Am"
Luke 9:18-22
"You Never Stop Needing The Lord"
Luke 9:10-17
"Setting The Mark, Keeping The Pace"
Luke 9:1-9
Luke 8:40-56
"Out of Control And Under Authority"
Luke 8:26-39
"The Powerful Word"
Luke 8:22-25
"The Family"
Luke 8:19-21
"Take Care How You Hear"
Luke 8:16-18
"Genuine Faith"
Luke 8:4-16
"She Loved Much"
Luke 7:36-50
"The Purposes Of God"
Luke 7:24-35
"Jesus Is Enough"
Luke 7:18-23
"When The Lord Saw Her"
Luke 7:11-17
"Am I Really A Christian?"
Luke 6:43-45
"It's Probably Me"
Luke 6:37-42
"Are You Kidding Me?"
Luke 6:27-36
"Changing The Price-Tags"
Luke 6:17-26
"The Chosen"
Luke 6:12-16
"Jesus Over Everything"
Luke 6:1-11
"Am I A Pharisee" (Part 2)
Luke 5:33-39
"Am I A Pharisee" (Part 1)
Luke 5:27-32
"Worth It"
Luke 5:1-11
"That Very Day"
Luke 24: 13-35
"The King And His Kingdom"
Luke 19
"Tempted, as we are, yet....." Part 2
Luke 4:1-13
"Tempted, as we are, yet....." Part 1
"Designer Genes"
Luke 3:23-38
"The God-man"
Luke 3:21-22
"Forerunner And Follower"
Luke 3:18-20
"My Place In This World"
Luke 3:15-18
"I've Got Bad News"
Luke 3:7-14
"Get Ready!"
Luke 3:1-6
"In Those Days"
Luke 2: 1-7
"Serving, Without Fear"
Luke 1:57-80
"Blessed Is She Who Believed"
Luke 1:39-45
"Let it be, according to your word"
Luke 1:26-38
"You Finish What You Begin"
Luke 1:5-25
"Here's the BLUF: Certainty"
Luke 1:1-4