
Q & A Blog by Dave Kaynor


Q & A BLOG: By Dave Kaynor


What is the “Weekender”? Why are we hosting it? 


Several years ago, Chad Holmgren and I attended an event called a “Weekender” at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. CHBC is pastored by Mark Dever, the author of Nine Marks of a Healthy Church (and a guest preacher at Cornerstone a few years ago). It was an opportunity for us to learn more about what a healthy church looks like, as well as observe how Capitol Hill conducts church business and handles elder meetings/issues. We were grateful that this church took the time to explain what they did and why. 


In recent years, Bob has had local pastors suggest to him that Cornerstone should host such an event. And so, we have planned a Cornerstone Weekender for November 8-10. The event is geared toward area pastors, but it is certainly open to lay leaders as well. We already have a couple of CBC members registered and we would like to have more. There is a significant discount code for members; just email me for the code and be sure to register by Oct 31. 


Bob Sermon Hack 


Have you ever tried to write down something Bob has said during a sermon, only to forget what he said halfway through writing it? Ever wanted to review an idea that he preached about but couldn’t remember what it was? Well, I have some great news for you. 


Many of you know that Bob writes out most of his sermons. Did you know that we post the sermon text on our website, usually multiple days before he preaches it? Did you know that you can access that right on your phone in the middle of the service? Well, it’s true. Keep in mind, he does divert from the text at times, so it may not match completely word for word, but it will be pretty close! I have found that keeping the sermon in front of me helps sharpen my focus as he preaches.  


To get there, check out Sermon Series under the Media tab on our website, then choose the current series. From there, scroll (if on your phone, scroll way down) to Sermon Notes. Click here for a direct link.


Turkey! Turkey! Turkey! 


Many of you help our ministries run smoothly by giving beyond your regular cheerful giving to our church. We appreciate how you help to donate supplies for VBS, Manitoulin, the Food Pantry and more. As we head into the holiday season, the Food Pantry has such a request. Here is a note from our Pantry coordinators, Rich and Sandee Jaeger, with information about how you can participate this year: 


The Food Pantry is looking to coordinate a Thanksgiving meal for the guests we serve as we have in previous years. Last year we were blessed by the church family's involvement by providing the turkeys for our guests.  


We would like to ask again this year for your involvement - we will have a needs list that will be posted on Cornerstone Connection that you will be able to sign up for items to donate. We would like donations to be received by November 10, 2024. We would appreciate if you could bring them in on Sundays or Wednesdays as we will have helpers to put them into the freezer space we have allotted. Thank you for your consideration and help with this mercy ministry. 


Please click here for the needs list and to sign up.




Dave Kaynor

Administrative Pastor