
January 15, 2020

[Dave Kaynor, Admin Pastor]

On Sunday, I had a chance to talk with a member who is new to my member care group this year. She was surprised that she was moved to a different group from last year, so it occurred to me than an explanation of the member care group process might be helpful to you!

First, member care groups are for formal church members... those who have publicly asked for spiritual oversight and have committed to help others with the same. If you are not already a member and would like to be, you can start that process by joining the Exploring Membership Class.

Once you commit to the accountability of membership, you are assigned to a specific elder. That elder becomes your "go-to" elder. He is responsible for your spiritual oversight and care. In addition, he is available as a liaison between you and the elder board, and is available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Each elder has about 65 members under his care, and his goal is to formally contact each of his members a couple times a year (as well as informal contacts whenever possible!) Please don't hesitate to reach out to your elder whenever you have a need.

Second, member care groups are based on relationships that already exist, if possible. Ideally, each member in the care group already has some level of a relationship with their elder. For example, all the members in my small group are also in my elder care group. Some of the members in my group are from my ABF class; others I've gotten to know from sitting in the same section as them during the service, or working with them in the church office, or through a connection they have with my wife, etc.

Third, member care groups as a whole will change every year, even if your specific elder does not change. When 2019 ended, five elders went off the board and six new ones came on. That means that about 1/3 of all our members have new elders this year. In addition, sometimes new relationships start during the year and elders will request to have certain people put in their group. Member care groups will change in some way every year.

If you are wondering whose group you are in this year, log on to Cornerstone Connection and check your groups. You should see one that starts with MC20: followed by an elder's name. That's your group. If you are a member of the church and don't have an elder, let me know!

In closing, let's talk about the summary statement attached to this email. Thanks to some strong end-of-the-year giving, we ended up over $156,000 in the black. Those funds will allow us to start on our list of "projects around the building." Even now, the elders and finance team members are prioritizing the use of those funds and plan to present something to you at the April Members' Meeting. Thanks to the $332,000 that was given towards the 20/20 Vision, that campaign is now over. The remaining debt (to our self and to specific members) has been placed in the budget for this year. Giving to the Fellowship Fund was solid again in 2019.

Speaking of Members' Meetings, our 4th quarter meeting is on Sunday, January 26th. Many of you have signed up to bring a food item--thank you! Click here to bring something. We'll start with dinner at 5:30 followed by the meeting around 6:30. There is no need to RSVP, just show up and check in upon arrival.

On behalf of the church,

Dave Kaynor
Administrative Pastor