Today's blog has 2 parts: 1: A Challenge and 2: Concert Details
My car has a manual transmission, so I use the emergency brake when I park. This morning, my emergency brake would not fully release, so as I drove I could feel the drag on the car as it was fighting against itself. The engine wanted the car to go, but the emergency brake was pulling against it.
It reminded me of how the author of Hebrews (12:1) describes our lives when we allow sin to remain unaddressed and unresolved. As a follower of Christ, you were re-born for joy, freedom, delight, pleasure, grace, life, peace, hope, mercy, kindness, generosity, and satisfaction. But some of you are, sadly, very, very far away from experiencing that. You live with drag, pull, and weight from your unwillingness to deal with whatever sin that is clinging so closely. Your Savior intends so much more for you. There is such a better way to live. If it is bitterness, is it worth it? If it is being unwilling to forgive, is it worth it? If it is anger over not getting your way, is it worth it? How long do you want to forfeit joy? There is a better way, a much better way.
A mechanic-friend released the brake, so my car isn't being held back anymore. Perhaps, you would benefit from talking with a brother or sister to help you see your issue a bit more clearly. Holding on to your sin in an effort to punish someone else, is like drinking rat poison and hoping your enemy gets sick. Look at
Hebrews 12:1-2 again. Jesus provides a better way.
Concert Details:
1. Concert dates & times
a. Saturday, December 14 at 3:00 PM
b. Saturday, December 14 at 6:30 PM
c. Sunday, December 15 at 3:00 PM
d. Doors will be open one hour before each concert
e. Valet parking will be available for all
three concerts
2. Arrive early - Please allow extra time to enter the building, hang up your coats (use the racks around the Worship Center), and head down the hallway to the gym. Enjoy live music while you wait and look for opportunities to talk with others! I cannot emphasize this enough.
3. It's a traveling concert!
a. The concert will begin in the gym. Seating is available for those with tickets. If you did not pick up a ticket, please plan to stand in the back. This portion of the program will last for about 20 minutes.
b. When leaving the gym, please proceed to the Gathering Space. In the Gathering Space, there will be about 160 seats. If you are able to stand for the 15-minute segment, please leave the seats for those who need them more.
c. Finally, the rest of the program will be enjoyed from the Worship Center. There are plenty of seats there, but please plan to sit mostly in the middle sections.
4. I will be referencing an information packet. Those packets are designed to give unbelievers more written information about the gospel. They will be available as you exit the Worship Center near the glass doors. Please use them for your guests and offer to get one for them.
5. We need help with greeting, ushering, setting up, and tearing down during each of the concerts. If you are able to help with any of them, please volunteer at this link.
6. Pray! We want people to trust Christ!!