March 19, 2025
Eliphaz the Temanite is one of the four men who sits and converses with Job in the midst of Job’s grief. Yes, there were actually four. But there is a reason why we tend to think of Job and his three friends. The book is like a merry-go-round of speeches between Job and the three. The fourth (Elihud) does not talk until Job and the other three finally quit since no one can make any progress. Here is a summary of chapters 3-37: Job speaks, then Eliphaz, Job, Zophar, Job, and Bildad. Then Job, Eliphaz, Job, Zophar, Job, and Bildad again. Then Job, Eliphaz, Job, Zophar, Job and then Elihud. Toward the end of the book (chapter 38), God speaks to Job and at the very end (chapter 42) God speaks to Eliphaz and says, “My anger burns against you and against your two friends, for you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has.” Whoa!! God then tells them to offer up seven bulls and seven rams and asks Job to pray for them “for I will accept his prayer not to deal with you according to your folly. For you have not spoken of me what is right, as my servant Job has.” (Job 42:7-8) God was not angry with Elihud, but his anger burned against Elihud, Zophar and Bildad. Why? Was it something they said?
When you read what these men said you realize that much of it is true. For example, Eliphaz said “Behold, blessed is the one whom God reproves; therefore despise not the discipline of the Almighty.” (Job 5:17) Does that sound familiar? Yes! Proverbs 3:11-12 says, My son, do not despise the LORD’s discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the LORD reproves him who he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.” This is repeated in Hebrews 12:5-6. Who said it first? Eliphaz! Solomon repeats it and the author of Hebrews quotes it. So, obviously what Eliphaz said to Job was not wrong, at least in this case. Again, why was God so angry with Eliphaz and his two friends?
Eliphaz, Zophar and Bildad had many good things to say, but they did not say them in a good way. They knew some good things, but they did not know all things. Therefore, they misapplied the truths they knew and instead of being a comfort to Job, they only added to his grief. What happened to Job was tragic but Job’s “friends” had a simplistic, formulaic answer to tragedy that was not right and was offensive to God. As we know from the entire book of Job, there was way more to the story than Job or his friends could conceive. Beloved, that is good counsel for us. There is way more going on with God’s purposes and plans that we can ever see in the moment. We should be quick to comfort, encourage, and pray but slow to assume that we know the why. Even though we don’t know “the why” we know that there is one and that its ultimate outcome is good. We can rest in that and help lead others to the still waters of that hope.
Lord, you allow us the privilege and responsibility to care for those who are suffering. Help us to ask good questions so we can use your promises in a way that helps our brothers and sisters find rest and comfort in you. Help us be humble so that we reflect you and be your hands, feet, voice and presence to those in need. Help us to be quick to listen and help us resist the temptation to presume.
Grace and peace,
Sunday’s Text: Luke 11:4c