
Bob's Blog 3/12/25


March 12, 2025


We were asked by WMUZ if we would be willing to host Dr. Erwin Lutzer for the evening of Monday, April 28, 2025. Dr. Lutzer was the pastor of The Moody Church in Chicago from 1980 to 2016. Since that time, he has continued his radio ministry “Running to Win” and continues to speak and write. He has written more than 70 books. We are very happy to host him that evening and wanted to make you aware of it.


Later that week, on May 3, 2025, the 3rd, Did God Really Say Conference is being held, this time at Harvest Bible Church in Westland, MI. This conference addresses social issues in view of God’s Word and has been a wonderful local contribution for sound thinking. You can register here for it.


May 30 – June 1, we are hosting a Missions Conference with Global Serve International. We have picked specific sessions for this Friday evening, Saturday morning and Sunday morning event that we think will be of great encouragement and motivation for our mission to declare God’s glory to the nations. You will see much more information on this in the next couple of months, but wanted you to get this on your calendar now since that time of the year fills up in a hurry.


Mid-week check-up? Has the series on prayer from Luke 11 been influencing your prayer life? Are you praying for God to make you aware of what he is up to and what your part is in it? (your kingdom come). Are you praying daily for bread, grace, help and seeking to think about God all the time? This week we will tackle “forgiveness.” This will be a great opportunity to clearly explain the gospel, again. If you are sharing the gospel with someone, this Sunday will be a good one to invite them to come with you.


Grace and peace,



Sunday’s Text: Luke 11:4


P.S. For those of you concerned about my declaration of war against the squirrels a couple of weeks ago, I am reporting that as of today, the squirrels are still winning. (sigh)