
Bob's Blog 2/26/25


February 26, 2025


Yesterday! The sun was out. The wind was calm. The temps were in the 50’s. It felt wonderful. Yes, it is still February and we still have some more winter to get through, but yesterday was a taste of what will come, and I’m guessing that for most of us, we cannot wait.


This Sunday, I am addressing the phrase from Luke 11:2, “your kingdom come.” Jesus taught us to pray for his reign on this earth to be fully realized here on earth. On that day, all of your anxiety will be gone. All of your stress will disappear. All of your fear will dissipate. All of your concerns will be settled and all of your questions will be answered. You will be at peace because you will be at home where you will love perfectly and be loved perfectly. As 1 Corinthians 13:12 puts it, "you will know fully even as you are fully known." When the kingdom of Christ comes in its fullness there will be no conflict, no unresolved issues, no awkward relationships, no snubs, but instead, there will be satisfaction, joy, trust, rest, contentment, understanding, and the amazing awareness that all of this will never end.


This is what people are made for. Augustine famously and rightfully said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you.” Our world tries to find its rest in power, influence, possessions, experiences, image, appearance, status and in relationships. These cannot fill our need for God. True rest is found in God. People who find their rest in God are a breath of fresh air in the mausoleum of this world. All week long, people live surrounded by the decay of this world’s values. The moldy smell of this world’s restlessness leaves people unsettled and empty.


The gathering of the people of God on the Lord’s Day (the church) is designed by God to be a preview of his coming kingdom. God has designed our gathering to be an unseasonably warm and sunny day in the winter of our world helping people see what is coming for those who know God. When we gather together and greet one another, care for one another, listen to one another, value one another, encourage one another, embrace one another, admonish one another, serve one another, pray for one another, sing to one another as we sing to God, we help others get a sense of what they were made for and what is ultimately available for them in Christ.


If you go to a restaurant, it is natural to think in terms of how you will be served. Our church family is not a restaurant where we gather to be served. It is a family and a hospital, a home and an embassy. It is where we serve and are served. What can you do now to remind yourself on Saturday evening or Sunday morning that our gathering is a display of his kingdom that is coming? Who will you be a blessing to, so they can know, that the winter will end and that warmer days are on their way?


Grace and peace,



Sunday’s Text: Luke 11:2b