
Bob's Blog 2-12-25

February 12, 2025


I like to feed the birds in the winter. I don’t think I have to, since they are very capable of finding food without me, but I like to. My grandkids love to watch them through the window and since my mom always loved having birdfeeders, I like to do it in a sense, for her.


But the squirrels! I do not have a love/hate relationship with them. It’s all hate. They try to ruin everything I do to feed the birds. And if I knock on the window, make threatening gestures to them, they just look at me, rather unimpressed and return to their destructive ways.


In view of the snow arriving later today, I decided to fill up the feeders only to discover that my Finch feeder had been busted open by a squirrel. (pic below) That’s it! No more Mr. Nice Guy. I just ordered an airsoft gun. You don’t mess with my finches. I love those little guys and love to see how their colors change from winter to spring. While some birds can be rather nasty to one another, these seem rather civil.


Is there a part of your life that reminds you of my squirrels? You know, you try to get rid of it, but it just hangs around and even taunts you. You get frustrated how it seems to ruin things for others and yet your half-hearted extermination efforts only work for a short time. It’s time for you to go to war. No more half-way measures. As John Owen said you will be killing sin or sin will be killing you. Identify your enemy. Declare war on it and use the weapons that God has given you. Pray, pray, pray. Engage a close friend or two to pray with you. Let your elder know so he can pray for you. Give yourself to faithfully reading God’s Word, particularly passages that speak to the issue you are addressing. Then find a resource that will help you know how to replace that sin with things that are beneficial. We have some really great booklets in our bookstore that address so many topics like this. No more Mr. Nice Guy. Sin doesn’t like you anyway.


My airsoft gun is supposed to arrive tomorrow. I’m probably looking forward to this more than I should. But you don’t have to wait to start your war tomorrow. Start now. Let’s go!


Grace and peace,


