
Bob's Blog 12/18/24


December 18, 2024


How fast of a reader are you? You need to hope that the members of Congress are exceptionally fast because last night, the 1,547-page spending bill was finally released. This is the bill that Congress has to vote on by this coming Friday night to fund the government until March 2025. In the 72 hours between the release of the spending bill and the needed vote on it, members of Congress will have to read 21.5 pages per minute for 72 hours straight. If they sleep for 6 hours a night, then they will have to read at a rate of about 29 pages per minute or one page about every 2 seconds.


Anyone who has worked in the government is not surprised by these sorts of things. We all know that this is not how it is supposed to happen but it does and there is no solution in sight. It is not unique to our government. This week I read one of the updates from a missionary couple we support. They were asking for prayer for the resolution of a visa situation, which was languishing in the bureaucracy of that country’s government. These are very common requests because inefficiency and incompetency are shared the world over.


Can you imagine what it would be like to live under a government that is good, honest, righteous and overly competent? Just try to imagine for a moment, what that would be like? I’ve been thinking a lot about this because our text for this week speaks of the government of Jesus Christ. Isaiah promises that it will never stop growing. But instead of that being a fearful thing, it is a good thing. Its peace will never end because it will be upheld by justice and righteousness. One day, our experience with government will cause us to react with praise, joy and security, and not with eye-rolling or head-shaking. As Isaiah says, “The zeal of the LORD of hosts will accomplish this.”


Soon and very soon,



Sunday’s Text: Isaiah 9:6-7