January 15, 2025
If you were to take a group of kids to the zoo, you would expect to see some animals and learn about their settings and habits. Imagine that you are visiting the lions exhibit and your group learns that lions will at times, kill their young when a new male takes over a pride. From there you visit the chimpanzees where you find out that they will at times kill their young. Later you and your kids are in the aquarium where you learn that sand tiger sharks will even eat their young in the womb. How would that sit with the children? Do you think that if, while visiting the chimpanzee exhibit that one of the adult chimpanzees started killing a newborn, that the staff would just let it happen? Do you think they would let visitors and children witness this? Of course not! You all would be scooted out so fast! The trauma that children would experience by witnessing such “animalistic” behavior of animals would be too much. Even in a zoo, where evolution is often assumed, the young would be protected.
There is no legitimate rationale for the abortion laws in our state. We give adults the right to murder their own because we want to. This is insanity! We are rightly appalled when a murderer gets inside of a school with a gun and begins killing children. We are right to condemn this violence and investigate not just how this happened, but why. What was so wrong that this person responded in such a horrific way? At our core, we know that this kind of behavior is wrong. So then, how is it that our culture is not appalled when we use surgical tools instead of guns to kill defenseless children?
Beloved, we cannot get used to the violence of abortion and be numb to its effects upon us. Every murder adds to the storehouse of God’s justice. God will not be mocked. While abortion is often seen as a legal and political issue, it is, at it’s core, a fundamental moral issue. To tolerate, even sanction and champion the killing of one’s unborn is bizarre. Yet, this is what so many people want and demand. I know that we live in a culture of death. I know that this is the law in our state. But it is wrong. It is evil. It is deranged. Do not give in to its reality as something that is normal. Opposing abortion is a struggle worth having. We know that life is from God and for God and is fundamentally valuable and precious. This is a position that will one day prevail. Every life is worth it.
This Sunday is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. We highlight our partnership with Care Net Pregnancy Center on this day and do some additional fundraising for them. This is good as we are grateful for the work of this wonderful organization. We want to pray for the day when this organization is out of business because in our land, people stopped living like animals.
Grace and peace,
Sunday’s Text: Luke 10:13-16