

Welcome to our website! Here you will find lots of useful information, and we hope it will help you to get to know us, as well as help you to know, love, and follow Jesus better. As a church, our goal is to help one another look more like Jesus; to love Him and others more, and as we like to say, help each other get home safely.  If you live in the area, we'd love for you to come by. You'll find a good home here!

Service Times


Sunday Morning Bible Classes,

Sunday Morning Worship Service,


Wednesday Night Programs,

7:00-8:15 (School Year)

New Here?

Walking into a new church can be intimidating and at times terrifying, depending on your previous church experience.



Our bookstore and library are open on Sunday mornings from


and 11:40-12:00

and on Wednesday nights from 6:45-8:15 during the school year.

Food Pantry

Our food pantry is open on

Tuesday mornings from 9:00-11:00 AM

& Thursday evenings from 6:00-8:00 PM.


The purpose of Cornerstone Baptist Church is to glorify God by helping believers become more like Christ through

Worship (Psalm 29:2), Instruction (2 Peter 3:18), Fellowship (Romans 15:5-6), and Evangelism (Matthew 28:18-20).



We love our church because we love Jesus, and Jesus died for his church. Therefore, we take the ministry of the church seriously. If you are looking for a church home, you may be tempted to look for a church like you would a restaurant. Are they open at a convenient time? Do they serve food that you like? Is it in a cool area? Is it kid friendly? How fast is the service? You may find some answers to those types of questions on our site, but when looking for a church, you need to look deeper. Here are some questions to consider asking:

1.     What does the church actually believe?          

          a.     Is there a doctrinal statement?

          b.     Is there evidence that they take it seriously?

2.     Do they prioritize the preaching of God’s Word?

          a.     Are the sermons driven by the text?

          b.     Does the congregation expect and anticipate substantive sermons?

          c.     Is good teaching cultivated and emphasized?

3.     Is the congregation joyful?

4.     Do they take membership seriously?

5.     Are the men of the church humble, happy, and secure in the faith?

6.     Are the women encouraged to study theology?

7.     How is the church organized? Is the polity biblical?

8.     Does the congregation sing well and engage in meaningful prayer?

9.     Is the music theologically accurate?

Not every congregation needs to have left-handed bowling leagues for people born on a Thursday, (or whatever niche someone thinks they fit into), but every congregation needs to pursue church-health as presented in God’s Word. My encouragement to you is to prioritize a church that prioritizes biblical health.

Robert Johnson II